Metadata are data about data. They describe their meaning and relationships to each other, making them more understandable, not just to people but also to machines.

Anyone who wants to maintain their digital knowledge resources in a sustainable way cannot do without metadata. Their usefulness and added value are undisputed. However, there are educational and research areas for which there are no suitable metadata or metadata standards. Or there are several, but none really fit.

Thus, solutions for flexible metadata management are currently in high demand. The challenge primarily lies in efficiently linking work with standardized, individually created, and automatically generated metadata.

Overview of Metadata
The Benefits and Added Value of Metadata

Metadata Hubs

Metadata hubs are a solution for centrally managing and sharing metadata. They make it possible to collect metadata from various sources and make them accessible for the exploitation of educational or research resources.

We are currently working on a metadata hub for historical-political education.

Guided Authoring

Guided authoring systems accompany step by step in the creation, maintenance, or provision of digital knowledge resources, including their detailed description with all types of metadata. They can be directly embedded into an authoring or publishing solution.